The Marketing Diner :: Feed Your Brand - Not Your EgoMarketers, at various stages of their careers, hanging on to their sanity by the thinnest of margins.MD Single Cup - Sales vs. Advertising: The New Pirate vs. Ninja- July 26, 2008 Like ninjas vs. pirates, the question of whether sales trumps advertizing or vice-versa may never be fully resolved. With two weeks of my summer internship done, I try my own hand at decoding the riddle. What are your thoughts To respond, send us an e-mail or call 202-552-1575 Listen To Episode: Download audio file (MD%20Single%20Cup_WhichCame%20First_SalesorAds.mp3) Download Episode: Right Click ... A Bostonian Deceleration Vacation- July 6, 2008 I am the ultimate cliche. With my MacBook Pro, Molskine notebook and large venti latte I am writing a blog post while contemplating the nature of branding in a downtown Boston Starbucks; thus is my post-Accelerator vacation. Like I said, the ultimate cliche. With my stint as a summer business bootcamp coach now over, ... |