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Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog

Business and technology reporter Todd Bishop supplements the Seattle P-I's regular Microsoft coverage with this online journal.

No BS: A glimpse of the real Bill Gates - June 30, 2008

Newspapers, magazines and blogs are saturated with reports about Bill Gates leaving daily life at Microsoft, to the point that people may be getting tired of it. But the coverage, collectively, has resulted in a new level of insight into Gates' personality, how he thinks, and how he ran the company. Along those lines, these were my favorite nuggets:

Audio: Bill Gates says so long to Microsoft - June 27, 2008

Bill Gates and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer both fought back tears as they concluded a farewell event for the Microsoft co-founder on the company's Redmond campus this morning. Ballmer presented Gates with a bound scrapbook of photos and memories -- acknowledging that no mere parting gift could do justice to the moment. Then Gates addressed Microsoft's employees for the last time in his full-time role. Here's what he said.

On the scene: Microsoft's farewell to Gates - June 27, 2008

Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates at the event. (Photo: Microsoft.)Microsoft is holding a town hall meeting here in Redmond this morning to send Bill Gates off into the new era of his life. It starts about 9 a.m. It's clearly a big moment for people at the company -- including Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who is already working the crowd with a big grin, bouncing around and snapping his fingers. More than 800 employees are here in a big conference room, and more will be watching on a webcast.

Intel makes news for avoiding Windows Vista - June 26, 2008

The latest buzz around Windows Vista is that chipmaker Intel -- Microsoft's partner in the famed "Wintel" alliance -- isn't migrating its own employees to the new operating system. See the original story by the Inquirer, and follow-up posts by The New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Audio: Early Microsoft office manager on Gates - June 26, 2008

One of the most legendary stories from Microsoft's early days is the tale of the first time Miriam Lubow, the company's early office manager, saw Bill Gates walk into the office in Albuquerque. With Gates in his last week as a full-timer at the company, I spoke on the phone today with Lubow, now 72 and living in Kirkland. I asked her to tell me the story in her own words. Here's the audio, recorded and posted here with her permission.

Radio host's dramatic reading of Gates rant - June 25, 2008

Radio personality Dave Ross of KIRO-AM710 in Seattle noticed yesterday's post about Bill Gates' January 2003 Windows rant and channeled the Microsoft chairman's frustrations for a dramatic reading on air this morning. It adds an entirely new dimension to the e-mail.

Photo: Original Microsofties, then and now - June 25, 2008

Perhaps the most famous photo of Microsoft's early years is a portrait of Bill Gates, Paul Allen and nine employees looking very young and very '70s in a shopping-mall portrait studio. With Gates preparing to leave daily life at the company, Microsoft recently reunited them for an updated photo.

Full text: An epic Bill Gates e-mail rant - June 24, 2008

Sometimes, software isn't so magical. Even for Bill Gates.

A Seattle P-I Special Report - June 24, 2008

Bill Gates is finishing his day-to-day duties at Microsoft, more than 30 years after he formed it as a small partnership with his friend Paul Allen. The move begins a new era for Gates, Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he will focus most of his attention.

Q&A: Will Microsoft foresee the next big thing - June 24, 2008

During an interview last week with Craig Mundie, Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer, I pointed out that Microsoft has been behind on some big trends, like Internet search and the Internet itself. Because Mundie is filling Bill Gates' role of setting the company's long-term vision, I asked what he was doing to try to ensure that Microsoft doesn't miss the next big thing. Here's an excerpt from our exchange:
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