Archbald NewsLocal news for Archbald, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Buckle Up Its The Law- May 30, 2008 Buckle up its the law. Archbald Police doing a seatbelt check Thursday night. Police set up this seatbelt checkpoint along Main Street. Marking Memorial Day- May 27, 2008 Parades and solemn ceremonies were held across out area Monday to mark Memorial Day and pay tribute to those who have served our country. Food for thought- May 16, 2008 "And what if the house burns down" Growing up we lived a romance with food I just want to let my readers know that my grandfather came over from Italy in 1909, so none of my ancestors took part in the Civil War. via The Star Names 2003 'Dirty Dozen' Dump Sites- May 13, 2008 "Our first cleanup of 2003 was held last Saturday in Tuscarora State Forest near Denholm, in Juniata County. We hope volunteers will come forward to help us tackle the other sites scheduled this year." They spoil scenic overlooks, threaten water supplies, and interfere with enjoyment of public lands. via DCNR |