Archbald NewsLocal news for Archbald, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Panfile Anniversary- June 22, 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Ned R. Panfile will celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a party given in their honor by their children, June 28 at Roycebrook Country Club. Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross actors set wedding date- June 20, 2008 Benjamin Franklin and Betsy Ross are getting married, just in time for the Fourth of July. CLIPBOARD- June 14, 2008 Reunion meeting: Archbald High School class of 1968 will meet June 26 at 7 p.m. in Barrett's Pub to finalize plans for a 40th anniversary class reunion. Court Notes- June 12, 2008 Joseph Raymond Koch and Tracy Lyn O'Dell, both of Kissimmee, Fla. Eric Daniel Kowalek and Kristin Anne Vorozilchak, both of Tucson, Ariz. Archbald girl, 7, builds a better burger with video- June 10, 2008 Kaitlyn Brown dug her hands into the beef, eagerly mixing and mashing it with bacon, shredded cheddar cheese and goldfish. Cops: Phony priest suspect in more thefts- June 8, 2008 Police say Brian Joseph Rush stole $2,000 in groceries by posing as member of clergy. Medical emergency puts Penn Can racer's win in perspective- June 6, 2008 There is a group of people which shows up every week at area race tracks and is just as devoted as the drivers. 'Land of Confusion' opens Sunday at local theater- June 1, 2008 It's homecoming time for Jeremy Zerechak. On Sunday, at 6:30 p.m., the Archbald native's feature-length Iraq War documentary, "Land of Confusion," will have its local premiere at Endless Mountains Theatre in ... |