The LlamaPen of Warren 'Llama' Ernst - Now With Content!The LlamaPen is a playful combination of technology/computer/Internet/Fullerton thoughts from a successful computer consultant (me, Warren "Llama" Ernst) and PC Magazine and CPU Magazine columnist and reviewer (also me), along with general thoughts on current events. Then throw in FAQs and information for some of my bizarre obsessions and hobbies, and you've got The LlamaPen. The popular Oil Prices Vs. Gas Prices - a Disconnect A Conspiracy- October 30, 2006 Editor's Note: Its Election Day, and October average oil prices are out, so I've updated the table below. So you've probably noticed that gas prices are dropping a lot, and that it seemed to start around a month ago. If you're like me, always looking for cause-and-effect relationships in stuff, you might be wondering what the cause of this drop in gas prices is. Initially, I assumed it was that crude oil prices were raising and falling, and that gas was following suit. Being a computer guy, I... |