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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for August 2006

The LlamaPen of Warren 'Llama' Ernst - Now With Content!

The LlamaPen is a playful combination of technology/computer/Internet/Fullerton thoughts from a successful computer consultant (me, Warren "Llama" Ernst) and PC Magazine and CPU Magazine columnist and reviewer (also me), along with general thoughts on current events. Then throw in FAQs and information for some of my bizarre obsessions and hobbies, and you've got The LlamaPen. The popular

Ubuntu Linux 6.06 - Finally, a Worthy Windows Alternative, Part 2 - August 30, 2006

Here's a question that my wife keeps asking me: "Why does the screen on this notebook of yours look funny" Of course, she says this when Ubuntu is running instead of Windows XP, so I think she's vocalizing the more general question: "Why use Ubuntu instead of Windows" Fair question, especially for someone whom I will call the "Average Windows User," or "AWU" for short. Up until recently, I had a hard time justifying Linux generally, or Ubuntu...

Ubuntu Linux 6.06 - Finally, a Worthy Windows Alternative, Part 1 - August 28, 2006

I always feel like a battered wife when I talk about my experiences with Linux. Don't know what I mean by this I have installed and used Linux many times over the years, starting with RedHat 6, Mandrake 7, then Debian Woody, and then finally Ubuntu, starting with Warty Warthog (4.10) up to the current Dapper Drake (6.06). I've used them as both the base for my servers, and as my "daily workstation OS" for whatever notebook I'm using this year. And keep in mind, I'm not a total dummy..
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