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Feed items 11 - 20 of 24 for May 2004

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

News from the Stars - May 18, 2004

Brad Pitt is reportedly going to stop acting for a year in order to work in Frank Gehry's office and learn more about architecture. In the current Vanity Fair he quotes Gehry: "If you know where it's going, it's not worth doing." "That's become like a mantra for me," Pitt says."That's the life of the artist." This is the ego speaking. Michaelangelo and Rafael made more beautiful work than the very talented Mr. Gehry because they realized there is something greater than the ego and put their...

1st AnnualSlouching Towards Alphaville Award - May 15, 2004

The winner of the award gets a day in Eurolille. The runner-up wins a month in Eurolille. For the award itself, click here.

Jung On Traffic Engineers - May 15, 2004

I found this at a public transit blog. Also take a look at their most popular article, P.J. O'Rourke's paean to the car in Give War A Chance ("...even if all these accusations are true, the automobile is still an improvement on its principal alternative, the pedestrian. Pedestrians are easily damaged. Try this test: Hit a pedestrian with a car. Now have the pedestrian hit the car back.... Which is in better shape").

Geeks Crit Gehry - May 13, 2004

I had a free afternoon in Boston, so I went to see Frank Gehry's much ballyhooed new Stata Center at MIT. It was a rainy day and the building was still about two weeks away from the grand opening: I saw it from the street only. From that perspective, it...

Rybczynski Crits Duany Plater-Zyberk - May 13, 2004

Witold Rybczynski reviews Duany Plater-Zyberk's The New Civic Art in the Wilson Quarterly.

Quote of the Day -Andr&233;s Duany & Jane Jacobs - May 11, 2004

Andrs Duany argues that today's Classical architects look down on the world from their beautiful ivory towers and fortresses, thinking that the beautiful banners they fly overhead will be enough to attract the world to them and their work. He urges them to charge out into the field of battle...

Quote of the Day - May 9, 2004

It seems to be becoming harder and harder in this age to stick to what we believe or feel. We are told constantly that we have to "live in the real world" but the "real world" is within us. The reality is that "Truth, Goodness and Beauty" in...

"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever" - May 8, 2004

All self-respecting urbanists should have a tie or scarf from Civitias.

Cabbagetown - May 7, 2004

Hotlanta -- it's not all sprawl. Atlantalarry Johnson has posted photos of an interesting neigbhorhood.

New Jersey Star-Ledger: Porphyrios<br>versus Gehry at Princeton University - May 7, 2004

114 - 2 at Magdalen Construction has started on two landmark buildings at Princeton University. One is a series of interlocking metal flanges designed by Frank Gehry, paid for by his main patron, Peter Lewis, a Princeton Board member. The other is a Gothic dormitory built with load-bearing, stone walls....
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