Veritas et Venustas"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, ProgressivismPLANetizen: Why The Field Of Planning Should Revise Its Goals- May 4, 2004 The American Planning Association (APA) and the planning profession have lost their way, writes Konrad Perlman in this week's PLANetizen Op-Ed:I stopped my APA membership after my term as Vice President of the National Capital Chapter ended years ago. Why Because APA has become institutionalized inclusiveness. Its primary focus on... Jane Jacobs, "Dark Age Ahead"- May 1, 2004 Presented without comment (at least for now): Jane Jacobs has a new book coming out May 4th. Thursday, May 6th she speaks on "The Past, Present, and Future of the Office Skyscraper" at the City College of New York: 6:30 pm in the Great Hall of Shephard Hall. For their... (Untitled)- May 1, 2004 CNU XII - Meta-Physical Planning http:www.cnu.orgcnuxiicnu-program.htmlsun We are spiritual beings in the bodies of evolved apes. New Urbanism is about the physical creation of places that support neighborhood and community, because to properly function in the material world we need places both comforting to the body and worthy of the... For the Chicago congress: CNU XII- May 1, 2004 The CNU will have tours of Chicago architecture and urbanism. So will the Chicago Architecture Foundation. Before you go, you can buy the recently revised AIA Guide to Chicago. Amazon previews some of the pages. The Cubs will be playing the White Sox, unfortunately not at Wrigley Field, one of... |