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Feed items 11 - 20 of 29 for August 2004

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

Another Unusual Juxtaposition - August 16, 2004

Bush Administration Names Daniel Libeskind First Cultural Ambassador for ArchitectureThe U.S. Department of State has named Daniel Libeskind, AIA, Cultural Ambassador for Architecture under their CultureConnect program, founded to strengthen ties between the U.S. and the international community by working with young people in a range of fields (including the...

Country House Redux - August 15, 2004

If you read my post UK Gov Promotes Modern Mansions UK Gov & Riba Adopt New Urbanism Lord Rogers Rejects New Urbanism, I've substantially revised it. Take a look it includes a photo of the first house permitted under the old regulations (which is not the "innovative"...

More on Airports<br>Updated 08.16.04 - August 15, 2004

CNU President John Norquist, CNU Founder Andrs Duany, Katarxis founder Lucien Steil and leading New Urbanist Steve Coyle recently commented on airports on the pro-urb list (see here and here for more information about the list). Updated: Included below is a Guardian article on Tempelhof. From: Steve Reply-To: The Practice...

The Order of Nature — Utopia & Dystopia - August 15, 2004

Here's the last part of Phil Bess's essay on New Urbanism and Natural Law. You can find all five parts here. In light of yesterday's comments on Utopia and Dystopia, it's worth commenting that although Phil and I differ in our approach to Natural Law, we share a belief in...

Utopia & Dystopia - August 15, 2004

We're all connected, but that doesn't mean we all look at the world the same way. There are those who think we're all connected, and those who say, like Woody Allen, "The universe and I are two." There are Whigs (who like progress), and Tories (who want to keep the...

UK Gov Promotes Modern Mansions UK Gov & Riba Adopt New Urbanism Lord Rogers Rejects New Urbanism - August 13, 2004

Britain, of all places, announced this week that it would ban new construction of Traditional country houses, while promoting construction of "innovative" and "ground-breaking" Modernist country houses. If there's one thing the BBC and Miramax have taught us, it's that Brits and Anglophile tourists love Traditional country houses. And two...

There must be a crash coming . . . - August 12, 2004

While we were researching New York 1900, I came across an article listing Manhattan co-op prices in 1928. In dollars adjusted for inflation, it took the New York real estate market 50 years to get back to those prices. I was reminded of that that when I read the following...

Architecture Today — The Tolstoy Syndrome - August 12, 2004

"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have...

The Transect Redux - August 10, 2004

I had a few questions by e-mail about the Transect, so I added a little bit to the beginning of my post on the Transect and South Kensington, and slightly changed what followed. Here's the new beginning:The New Urban Transect describes the range of natural and built environments from the...

"A New Canon for the New Discourse" — from the TradArch list - August 10, 2004

Sailor's Snug Harbor Detail Context: On the TradArch list, Andrs Duany has been urging Traditional and Classical architects to start a 21st century discourse for Traditional architecture. British architect Robert Adam wrote an interesting response, published here. I replied:On 8904 6:15 PM, "Robert Adam" <> wrote: The development and...
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