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Feed items 21 - 29 of 29 for August 2004

Veritas et Venustas

"Renewing Tradition for the 21st Century." Keywords: architecture, urbanism, classical architecture, traditional urbanism, New Urbanism, Classical Liberalism, Progressivism

Athens - August 9, 2004

Photo for the Olympics by Yannis Kontos Polaris

Sunday in New York - August 8, 2004

A view from the Belvedere Castle on a beautiful day in Central Park. There are more pictures in the New York Miscellaneous photo album. The Beresford apartments are in the background, on Central Park West. The light towers in the middle ground light the openair Delacorte Theater, where the Public...

The Transect - August 7, 2004

The New Urban Transect describes the range of natural and built environments from the heart of the wilderness to the center of the city. The diagrams for the Transect (here and here) show these as Transect Zones: each urban T-zone is a neighborhood with most or many of the needs...

What We Already Knew - August 7, 2004

From the Philadelphia Inquirer (1st August 2004):Downtowns are definitely on the upswing these days. . . The downtowns that have experienced revivals have been those that were not made unattractive places to live by so-called "urban renewal."

The Order of Nature IV - August 6, 2004

Early in The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs makes the point that the book is the result of her personal experience and observation, rather than sociological studies, planning theory or the lessons of architecture school. Like Phil Bess, I think right and wrong are in nature,...

Yankees To Ask New York For $300 Million For Stadium Work - August 1, 2004

When the richest team in baseball asks New York City and New York State for $300 million to stay in a place they would never leave (they are the Bronx Bombers, after all, about to set an all-time major league attendance record), the City has to ask what it's getting...

Making A Neighborhood Around Yankee Stadium — Designs By University of Miami Architecture Students - August 1, 2004

These are the plans referred to in the post above. They were designed by architecture students at the University of Miami in 1998. Click on the plans for larger images. From that post, Yankees To Ask New York For $300 Million For Stadium:A real village is a walkable neighborhood with...

WWJJD - August 1, 2004

What Would Jane Jacobs Do It's not a bad idea in almost any urban design situation to ask what Jane Jacobs would do. Her seminal book The Death and Life of Great American Cities was the antidote to all the experts and specialists who ruined urban design and...

Pleasures of the City & More Third Places - August 1, 2004

I have two more third places in New York to add to my list of coffee houses. One is also an addition to my post about favorite institutions in my neighborhood: the garden and cafe at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. Click to Enlarge
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