a working mom's webloghumorous rantingsa working mom's weblog: summer's over, really.- August 30, 2004 It hit me today, despite the gorgeous weather, that with the advent of school Summer is effectively at an end. At least, in terms of living the "breezy, relaxed" days we remember from our own school days. Now, as soon as Labor Day hits I immediately think of all the things I wanted to get done this summer and didn't. Camping trips "planned" and never taken, , etc. I wonder if this feeling is a result of the frenzied, thankless environment many of us work in. I mean, there's never any...http://blogs.sun.com/haycock/entry/a_working_mom_s_weblog1 working mom's weblog: in the face of change- August 17, 2004 What is change but a constant Not only in our work lives, but our emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical lives as well. Work is actually just manner in which we occupy certain hours of our time re-allocating our intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual resources. When I leave work, that allocation changes to maximize how best to interact with the new state. I actually have more than one new state after work: Mom, Dinner Cooker, Mediator, Bath Giver, Diaper Changer, Story...http://blogs.sun.com/haycock/entry/working_mom_s_weblog_in a working mom's weblog: school's in- August 10, 2004 School is about to start here in the Metro Denver area. Now, you would think that with a 3 12 year old and a 14 month old school wouldn't be a consideration. But it is. From many perspectives. There's the new Montessori my son will be attending beginning August 30th. The one he was at was more than fine, just not close to our home. So, now our schedule changes to accomodate a new school, new location, and new hours. My daughter will be staying put at the Montessori where she's been for the..http://blogs.sun.com/haycock/entry/a_working_mom_s_weblog working mom's weblog: a milestone- August 2, 2004 "I heard the news today, oh yeah, about a lucky man who made the grade. . ." I received an email today informing me I'm just about to clear ten years with Sun. I get to go choose a little memento from the "Anniversary Website". Of course I remember the old anniversary celebrations where you'd have lunch with Scott, go to Great America, etc. I must say, in these times I'm very appreciative the recognition of our tenure hasn't been cut out of the budget or gone the way of Wednesday...http://blogs.sun.com/haycock/entry/working_mom_s_weblog_a |