Writing for the WebThe blog of Writing for the Web 3.0How we read online- June 17, 2008 Via Slate: Lazy Bastards: How we read online.. It's based on Jakob Nielsen's principles, and it's old stuff to veteran webwriters, but it could be useful in explaining to others why some webtext succeeds and other webtext fails. In this connection, see also Is Google Making Us Stupid in the JulyAugust 2008 Atlantic.http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/ckbetas/2008/06/how-we-read-onl.html Webwriters, meet your great-grandfather- June 17, 2008 A fascinating article in The New York Times: The Mundaneum Museum Honors the First Concept of the World Wide Web. Excerpt: On a fog-drizzled Monday afternoon, this fading medieval city feels like a forgotten place. Apart from the obligatory Gothic cathedral, there is not much to see here except for a tiny storefront museum called the Mundaneum, tucked down a narrow street in the northeast corner of town. It feels...http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/ckbetas/2008/06/webwriters-meet.html |