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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for August 2005

The Tribulation Network!

Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!

Patriotic Armageddon - Can You Hear Me Now - August 21, 2005

Each day the present geo-political reality confirms what The Tribulation Network has been saying for the past two years! All this, while the world still debates whether or not we should call the current War on TerrorismTerror: The West vs. Radical Islam! Now, the EU and Iran squabble over Iran's real intentions&194;&151;but the US makes plans for taking out Iran's nuclear threat&194;&151;this week (August 1-7) is the turning point! Bolton is in place at the UN&194;&151;Bush is ready to move..

Modern Alchemy: The Money Illusion (Part 2) - August 21, 2005

Introduction The last article titled &194;&147;Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics &194;&150; U.S. Government Economic Reporting&194;&148;, we looked at the whole issue of the twisted nature of government reporting and the origin of the Federal Reserve, which is neither &194;&147;federal&194;&148; nor does it have any &194;&147;reserves.&194;&148; It just prints money out of whole cloth, literally. How does it do it How is money created What really stands behind it What are bonds What does..

The Elephant Roared, And Brought Fourth A Turd! - August 21, 2005

A Case Against Democratizing The Middle East! by Doug Krieger The original vulgarity was bylined: &194;&133;The Constipation of America's Mid-East Peace Policy! It is with some trepidation that I embark upon this discourse; for one, out of respect for elephants, but more so because within the American framework of democracy I have so greatly benefited. Thus, to liken the extension of America&194;&146;s efforts to democratize the civil administrations of Moslem states&194;&151;even with the...
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