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The Tribulation Network!

Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!

Political Power - June 25, 2005

Monday, February 8, 1988 &194;&150; I found my eyes glued to the television-set. I was transfixed!! Almost mesmerized!! Excited, but troubled as well&194;&151;strangely apprehensive!! By early evening it had become clear to the entire American press-corps that Pat Robertson had managed to contrive a major political upset in the Iowa caucuses&194;&151;scoring a second place finish behind Senator Bob Dole and forcing George Bush, the sitting Vice President, to settle for an embarrassing...

Democratic Globalism - June 25, 2005

The United States of America is no longer hiding her claws&194;&151;no rival or United Nations or allied opinion can resist this colossus that struts her stuff across the planet. The economic disintegration, and political demise of the former Soviet Union, established the sole super power upon the globe in 1991. This hegemonic expression &194;&147;found herself&194;&148; the inheritor of all that exemplifies Western Civilization...

Michael Moore's "Jesus Land" and The Moral Majority. - June 25, 2005

There is nothing new in this world. We have the same things going on now as in Jesus&194;&146; day &194;&150; liberal Sadducees vs. moralist, fundamentalist Pharisees and the disenfranchised masses vs. the elites of their day. See a map of Michael Moore's Jesus Land...

Deception And Guilt - June 25, 2005

Surely a great deception is spreading across the land and it will get much worse. Christians looked at what is happening &194;&150; abortion, gay marriage, secularism in schools and crime in neighborhoods, and overwhelming voted for values. Can you blame them What are they supposed to do Vote FOR abortion, gay marriage and secularism There are a sophisticated few who understand the nuances of the election and what is really behind the current administration. They can understand the...

To Vote Or Not To Vote - June 25, 2005

To vote or not to vote, that is the question. Many Christians are caught in a quagmire. If they vote, they are voting against the worse of two evils. There isn&194;&146;t much choice. If they don&194;&146;t vote, they feel they are abdicating responsibility as Christians to shine the light in their little corner of the world. So what do we do about voting This is one of those questions that is open to debate, so rather than take a side, let's discuss the issue. As usual, at the end, I...

Prophecy And The Election - June 25, 2005

This is the last chance to opine on the election so here goes. Do I care who wins Not really. I believe God will put whoever he wants into office for His own reasons. It is so close, whether on a national basis (4949) or state by state, especially the battleground states. So what do I think will happen and why Please don&194;&146;t take this as a prophecy, because stones hurt real bad. The results will be interesting. What we have right now is a marriage between the Republican Party and.

Triumphal Christianity - June 25, 2005

Well, after the billions spent on this year&194;&146;s American elections and the alleged charges and counter charges by the major parties (and the also-rans), and the &194;&147;this is the most crucial year ever&194;&148;&194;&151;as the pall of Islamic terrorism saturates the rhetoric of the candidates&194;&151;you, if you&194;&146;re a Christian, may wonder just what on earth is going on with God's &194;&147;heavenly people&194;&148; in this quadrennial quagmire Wait a minute: You say...

The Green Cross - June 25, 2005

We swerved in and out of the two-lane streets of the Presidio next to San Francisco Bay. Our little group of Russian tourists had no idea where I was taking them&194;&151;they simply thought we were heading for an underside view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Little did they realize they would shortly stand aghast at the small two-story gambrel cottage where the International Green Cross headquarters, headed by the deposed President Mikhail Gorbachev, stood in obscure testimony to the once mighty.

The United States Of Europe Is A Joke! - June 25, 2005

The anticipated rejection by the French of the much vaunted United States of Europe, and its Constitution (the vote in France was 45% for and 55% against), conclusively demonstrates, once again, European political and economic ineptitude compared to that of the United States of America&194;&151;the Dutch are soon to follow the French (Notwithstanding, the toilet (a French word) was invented by a Brit by the name of Thomas Crapper not by a Frenchman.) Imagine, the extremity of European cultural.

On Judging Others - June 25, 2005

In order to recognize apostasy and deception, you need to have your spiritual senses heightened by the Holy Spirit's discernment. It is easy for a ministry to manipulate people by making them feel guilty and by building the ministry up as if they were sacrificial spiritual giants, the only one's seeing the light and the only one's willing to pay the price. It is also common for some to disparage other ministries in order to build up their own. To what extent are we to judge A ministry based.
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