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Feed items 21 - 30 of 35 for June 2005

The Tribulation Network!

Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!

The Immoral Minority - Scene 2 - June 25, 2005

I&194;&146;ll never forget when the Rev. Jerry Falwell and his patriotic team of singers and organizers stepped onto the steps of the Salem, Oregon capitol, cir. 1980. I had just moved up to Coos Bay, Oregon. Being an evangelical, I was mystified how a hard-shell Baptist, like Falwell&194;&151;and coming from a religious tradition that was &194;&147;separatist&194;&148; and apolitical (so I thought)&194;&151;could get so politically involved in this Moral Majority cause...

The Immoral Minority - Scene 1 - June 24, 2005

Just when you thought it couldn&194;&146;t get any worse&194;&151;IT DID! The infamous and disgusting antics of one, Paul Cain, of &194;&147;Apostles and Prophets&194;&148; fame (considered as the &194;&147;founding father&194;&148; of this usurping phenomenon over the people of God) has been &194;&147;caught&194;&148; in a homosexual affair and has NOT responded to any entreaty to do otherwise. Local brethren attempted (so we read) to dissuade Bro. Cain to repent of his behavior, but the...

When A Good Man Becomes A "God-Man" - June 24, 2005

The ecumenism of Rome is now at full tilt with the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI. Religious under girding of the political Beast of Revelation 13 provides righteous covering for Antichrists's exploits. Rome's pomp and circumstance provides compelling evidence that the False Prophet's arrival upon earth's final week is well prepared!

The "Body Life" - June 24, 2005

I titled this the &194;&147;Body Life&194;&148; to contrast it to the traditional church or home meeting. Christians get fixated on meetings &194;&150; the where, when and how. They can see how the home meeting can be intimate and participatory but can&194;&146;t imagine how it would work in a larger meeting. I would not have believed it if I hadn&194;&146;t experienced it for a number of years &194;&150; meetings with upwards of 200 or 300 people or more in a large hall that was totally...

Earthquakes Of Biblical Proportion - June 24, 2005

The &194;&147;Mega Tsunami&194;&148; which struck the Indian Ocean region on December 26, 2004, wrought by a 9.0 &194;&147;Great Earthquake&194;&148; on the Richter Magnitude Scale, released an awful devastation unparalleled in modern history&194;&151;now approaching 150,000 dead with prospects of deadly disease which could double fatalities, while leaving 5 million homeless! Sri Lanka alone is now recording dead and missing at over 70,000! Keep in mind that the Richter scale is a ten-fold...

The Church In Tribulation - Why - June 24, 2005

In the past two segments we have discussed the rapture and the chronology of Revelation and other accounts of the end times, showing the chronology of events. We have discussed the importance of the two witnesses. We have clearly shown that although the church will be persecuted, it will not suffer any judgment or wrath of God. This is an extremely important distinction for those with a pre-trib rapture position. The time line is clear. But the question remains, why is this important to God.

Chronology Of The Book Of Revelation - June 24, 2005

The Book of Revelation appears to be a daunting book because it is full of imagery and seems to bounce all over time, but like an old friend, once you get to know it, it really isn&194;&146;t that bad. Follow the parallels. Follow the themes. Previously, we put to rest the issue of the rapture. It is important to understand the order of events &194;&150; what occurs and when. Revelation is not that hard to understand if you grasp the main theme &194;&150; the testimony of Jesus Christ...

The Rapture Question - June 24, 2005

The relevance of prophecy to Christians in these days rests on their view of the rapture. Whether consciously or not, a person who believes they will rapture before the Tribulation, will probably not be that concerned with prophecy or events that are going to take place during the Tribulation. I don&194;&146;t mean to paint with a broad brush and say that ALL Christians will feel this way, but certainly most will. The fact that a fourth to a half of the Bible deals with end times prophecy...

How Can We Know If These Are The End Times - June 24, 2005

This is a question every generation asks itself. Even early Christians thought they were in the end times and 2,000 years later things keep moving on. Why didn't God just get it over with back then People get tired of "chicken littles" running around telling us the sky is falling, the world is going to end, but it doesn&194;&146;t. We're still here. Every saint from the beginning anticipated His coming, but He hasn&194;&146;t come, so why care He'll come when He comes. What's it to me I.

BOOKS Presented At The Tribulation Network - June 24, 2005

A number of E-Books are presented for your reading, which delve into Prophetic Scripture, and current world events in light of those scriptures. The End Times Church, World Leadership, current trends of Church teaching and the appearance of Apostasy and Deception on the world stage are discussed. May God guide and direct you as you "Study to show yourself approved unto God".
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