The Tribulation Network!Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!Howard Dean's Big Fat Mouth!- June 25, 2005 The DNC's Chairman, Howard Dean, reflects a deep-seated disdain for "White Christianity's" apparent takeover of Republican politics. Babylon's "house divided"--where Greeks deride Romans--is endless. Rest assured, The Empire will predictably prevail. Check out the high drama dynamic being played out before the whole world... Communicating The Message- June 25, 2005 A Trip to Yamika - A Reality Check! A lesson in sticking to the basics &194;&150; God's Word. Human wisdom and words are no match for what God can accomplish when his Word is shared... Shrine Of Micah- June 25, 2005 The American Mega Church is NOT a new phenomenon . . . its elaborate marketing techniques, purposefully mirrored (or "driven" ... whichever you prefer) after the American corporate model bespeaks of Israel's original quantum leap into apostasy when Micah implemented similar techniques involving money, fame, worldly marketing strategies and a whole host of pop mechanisms which dwarfed the rather shabby appeal of the "Tent of Meeting" pitched nearby in Ephraim. You'll be shocked to discover the.. Scary Statistics!- June 25, 2005 This is a compilation of the scariest, most embarrassing, most shocking statistics and information about the Church and its affairs. Big Government. Big Business. Big Oil. Big Tobacco. BIG CHURCH. The Church has become part of the problem. We're not living like Christ. Of course they think we're hypocrites - because we ARE! Forgive us, God. 3D Deception!- June 25, 2005 The truth that the U.S. Christian Church, especially the conservative, evangelical branch, has melded itself with political and commercial Babylon is discussed throughout this website. This melding is so evident as I read the continuous reports of the fighting and the dying in Iraq. The part of the Christian Church that supports the Bush Administration's war of aggression in Iraq is practicing what could and should be considered the ultimate form of greed spawned from unfaithful fear. As these.. Make Not My Father's House A House Of Merchandise!- June 25, 2005 Just when you thought that the depths of &194;&147;evangelical ministries and churches&194;&148; seeking after filthy lucre and the &194;&147;mammon of unrighteousness&194;&148; could not get any more ostentatious&194;&151;we&194;&146;re hit with the recent LA Times articles on the financial excesses of the Trinity Broadcasting Network&194;&151;the world's largest evangelical programming network... Apostasy Comes First- June 25, 2005 This five-part series uncovers the inherent deceit within the &194;&147;Great Falling Away from the Faith&194;&148; prophesied in Scripture to take place in the &194;&147;latter times.&194;&148; It is noteworthy to observe that this affliction not only insinuated itself upon ancient Israel&194;&151;but its most profound impact occurs within the Church; so much so, that the very Elect are plagued by its deception... Johann Tetzel - "Scaring The Hell Out Of Christians"- June 25, 2005 &194;&147;It happened in 1517 that a Dominican monk named Johann Tetzel, a braggart, caused a great stir. Maximilian once sentenced him to drowning in the River Inn - presumably because of his great virtue - but Duke Frederick rescued him in Innsbruck from the punishment of being drowned. Duke Frederick reminded him of this incident when he began to denounce us Wittenbergers. Actually, he admitted it quite openly. This same Tetzel now began to peddle indulgences. With might and main he sold... Stunned!- June 25, 2005 Having spent my whole life in the liberal side of the U.S. Christian Church, I am still trying to understand the conservative side. When I first started reading about the conservativefundamentalevangelical churches and their leaders and members the only names I readily recognized were Oral Roberts and Pat Robertson. I didn&194;&146;t even know people like Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, Paul and Jan Crouch, Paula White, Jesse Deplantis, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyers, and Marilyn... Sheer Theological Nonsense!- June 25, 2005 What George Davis and Michael Clark are saying in their piece, HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN (the tribnet highlights the article) strikes at the core of today&194;&146;s COMMERCIAL APOSTASY afflicting the Church. Moreover, drunk with the wine of wealth&194;&151;they (the false prophets and teachers overwhelming the Church) now seek political power which replaces the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Beneath the crust of today's &194;&147;religious commercialism&194;&148; lies a religious arrogance... |