The Tribulation Network!Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!On The Road To Damascus by Doug Krieger- June 24, 2005 Today, December 30, 2004, the Fox News Channel had a lengthy discussion with military leaders and pundits regarding Syria's persistent encouragement of the current insurgency plaguing Operation Iraqi Freedom. It appeared they had been reading virtually all the contents of this four-part series! It doesn&194;&146;t take a rocket scientist to check out the geopolitical tea leaves and come up with that one; does it Yet, the next geopolitical development prophesied in Holy Writ should come as.. Antichrist And The Gog Magog War! by Doug Krieger- June 24, 2005 Prophecy as usual&194;&151;this is not! Swirling amidst the confusion in the Middle East and amidst those in the media, think tanks, and Left-Behind-oriented prophecy buffs is a plethora of disjointed and ever-changing analyses and strategic conclusionsconfusions which becloud the real issues playing out in the unfolding apocalyptic drama they interpret. Events twist and turn, but history's inexorable march to finality confounds the skeptic, thwarts the agnostic, and befuddles the wise in... Unsealing The End Of Days by Doug Krieger- June 24, 2005 During the latter part of 2002 and throughout 2003, this writer commenced upon a series of journeys across the USA visiting with individuals who share a keen interest in the prophetical Scriptures. Some 20,000 miles were covered and numerous conferences, home meetings and general fellowships in some 30 states too place. It was during this time that America's &194;&147;War Against Terrorism&194;&148; launched &194;&147;Operation Iraqi Freedom.&194;&148; The &194;&147;Shock and Awe&194;&148;... In Search Of Babylon! by Dene McGriff- June 24, 2005 Babylon was once a great city and its gardens were considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world. It was the seat of the Persian Empire but now is a bombed out mess in the desert &194;&150; a city Saddam Hussein wanted to restore to its former grandeur is now a mass of rubble. Babylon is mentioned about 300 times in the Bible. It has always represented the antithesis of what God wanted &194;&150; first as the location of the tower of Babel symbolizing man's efforts to attain to... Recognizing Apostasy And Deception. by Dene McGriff- June 24, 2005 This book is about recognizing deception and apostasy. If we are those Christians &194;&150; finally, after 2,000 years, living in the &194;&147;end of days&194;&148;, the greatest delusion ever to come upon the earth is coming or may already be here. How do we recognize it How can we avoid getting caught up in it Is there a magic bullet, some protection from its beguiling power The word &194;&147;deceive&194;&148; means "to mislead by falsehood or to delude." A good deception is so... |