The Tribulation Network!Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!Non Prophet Cartoons - ISLAM vs. THE WEST- February 19, 2006 In the Name of Allah vs. In the Name of Liberty The West&194;&151;specifically, the European West&194;&151;stands aghast at Islam&194;&146;s violent reaction to its comedic caricature of the Prophet and ponders: Shall we who enshrine our sacred rights to human expression suffer these cultural indignities and blatant intimidations designed to ultimately extinguish &194;&147;our rights&194;&148; This is outrageous and morally repugnant to cower before a medieval culture that treats women,... THE PRINCE OF THE COVENANT- February 19, 2006 The U.S.-Israel Strategic Alliance Part 4 No matter what setbacks&194;&151;is alive, well and proceeding to its logical conclusion: The U.S.-Israel Defense Pact 1. Iran&194;&146;s determination to resuscitate its nuclear program; the Sharon &194;&147;X-Factor&194;&148;&194;&151;i.e., Israel after Sharon; and the incessant insurgency in Iraq 2, along with increasing agitation from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and other belligerents, have all converged to create the perfect geopolitical... Bush's Bold Peace Initiative - Israel after Sharon- February 19, 2006 The colossus of Israel&194;&146;s Center-Right is no more. Sharon&194;&146;s cerebral hemorrhage, induced coma, and declared departure from Israel&194;&146;s political life have created a grave and vacuous ability for Israel to carry on viable negotiations with either the Palestinians or other belligerents. This assessment is more an international impression and less an Israeli one; however, it is the international community&194;&146;s perception that overwhelms. Successors are no where to.. AMERICA - Boom Or Doom- February 19, 2006 America: Boom or Bust Is the economy robust and growing as the administration and most analysts insist They say the fundamentals are good &194;&150; inflation is under control, economic growth is steady and unemployment is low! Doesn&194;&146;t the government have it all under control They say America is the capital manager of the world. It is so big and powerful that deficits and trade imbalances don&194;&146;t matter. The world needs us. They need our dollars! They need our... HE WILL ALSO INVADE THE BEAUTIFUL LAND- February 19, 2006 US Israel Strategic Alliance Part 3 THE WEST&194;&146;S INTRUSION INTO THE LAND OF THE PATRIARCHS&194;&151;NOTHING BUT TOTAL VICTORY! The West&194;&146;s fascination with the Holy Land&194;&151;the &194;&147;Beautiful Land&194;&148; or &194;&147;Glorious Land&194;&148; (Daniel 11:41)&194;&151;be it for &194;&147;hiddenmaterial&194;&148; or &194;&147;propheticspiritual&194;&148; treasures, has climaxed at the apex of the modern era in America&194;&146;s most recent intrusion into Iraq. The... HE WILL CONFIRM A COVENANT WITH MANY- February 19, 2006 US Israel Strategic Alliance Part 2 DRIVING THE U.S.-ISRAEL &194;&147;STRATEGIC DIALOGUE&194;&148; &194;&147;Strategic Dialogue&194;&148; talks between the U.S. and Israel&194;&151;were commenced in earnest at the end of November, 2005 (U.S. State Dept. Bulletin). These &194;&147;talks&194;&148; are propelled to their inevitable conclusion (i.e., the U.S.-ISRAEL DEFENSE PACTTREATY) by Iran&194;&146;s preposterous charges this past week: No Jewish Holocaust under Hitler; Israel is a... |