The Tribulation Network!Presented by Pergamos Ministries<br> Our vision is prophetic - the Testimony of Jesus lived out in and through God's people, both now and into the apocalyptic times ahead. <br> The latest news and analysis on events in the War on Terror, crisis in the Middle East, the American New World Order System, apostasy and deceptions afflicting the Church, and declaring His Life to the world through the Scriptures. <br> <br> Check out the new Books and articles!INDIVIDUALISM AND THE AMERICAN CHURCH . . .- April 2, 2006 How American Culture Distorts our Perception of the Church&194;&151;Part I Introduction by Doug Krieger &194;&147;This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud . . . having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof&194;&148; (II Tim. 3:1, 5). The prophetic description given by the Apostle Paul of a Last Day&194;&146;s culture&194;&151;imploded, alienated, narcissistic, greedy, violent and, in... KILL THE INFIDELS! - From Cartoons To Conversion...- April 2, 2006 There&194;&146;s been a &194;&147;change in the force&194;&148; &194;&150; in case you didn&194;&146;t notice &194;&150; we&194;&146;ve gone from fighting against terrorists to preemptive, unilateral, wars of national interest; from eliminating weapons of mass destruction to spreading ideological Western democracies (make that &194;&147;Effective Democracies&194;&148;); and finally, from cartoons to conversions . . . on the surface you may think you&194;&146;ve got it right, but this... |