The Censorware ProjectExposing the secrets of censorware since 1997Google and Spam-Filtering: Back to 1996- April 24, 2004 Remember the bad old days of 1996 when censorware was like CyberPatrol and CyberSitter: utterly atrocious, almost too bad to be worth criticizing Well, the bad old days are still here. The difference is that, with the kind of censorware we have now, many, many more people are affected. CNET brings us the story Google's chastity belt too tight, in which it's revealed that Google's SafeSearch feature blocks,,, and Public Libraries, Disable Your Filters- April 9, 2004 First Monday has a new piece by Mary Minow, a former librarian and currently a lawyer and library law consultant. In the piece, Lawfully Surfing the Net: Disabling Public Library Internet Filters to Avoid More Lawsuits in the United States, Minow argues that, in the wake of the Supreme Court decision in the CIPA case, United States v. American Library Association, public libraries may be less at risk of a lawsuit by adopting and following an aggressive policy of disabling censorware. Minow... |