ASP AllianceThe #1 ASP/ASP.NET Community!DataGrid Programming Part 3- October 6, 2002 The DataGrid has paging, sorting, editing, deleting, and adding capabilities, but code has to be written to make them work. My code sample is a solution to this, because it has paging, sorting, editing, deleting, and add new sub-routines already made. Revisiting the Page Template- October 6, 2002 Here we revisit the idea of using user controls as the basis of an inherited page template. The solutions proposed here fix the major problems of the code suggested in my previous article. DataGrid Programming Part 1- October 5, 2002 The DataGrid control in ASP.NET makes database programming easier. This example makes it easy to display database information on an ASP.NET web page. Web Service Details- October 5, 2002 Use the Web Service and explore techniques for creating DataSets from XML with advanced DataGrid binding Database Report Web Service- October 4, 2002 Using a simple web service to quickly create database reports can make being a Database Adminstrator easier. Imagine using the same web service to make reports for all your databases. DataGrid Programming Part 2- October 4, 2002 The DataGrid has paging and sorting capabilities, but code has to be written to make them work. My code sample is a solution to this, because it has paging and sorting sub-routines already made. Webform Dynamic Buttons- October 3, 2002 This article talks about the usage of LinkButton and Panels. The author explains some of the issues that he faced while learning ASP.NET. String Functions (Server side)- October 3, 2002 This article shows us some common string functions (both in VBScript and JavaScript) which can be used in your application. Attributes of Custom Controls- October 2, 2002 If you have ever worked in Visual Studio.NET, you will have noticed that all of the server controls have unique properties to all of them that you can change in the properties window. This article will show you how to do this with your custom controls. Advanced Page Templating- October 2, 2002 The templating scheme designed specifically for use with postback intensive web applications. It should be a bit different from the others you've seen. |