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Feed items 1 - 10 of 57 for April 2002

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Web.Config Connections - April 28, 2002

I typically work on an application using about three different computers. It works great except that I was frequently forgetting to change the Web.Config connection string settings after the transfer. Needless to say

Sending Multiple Emails in C - April 28, 2002

Asp.Net provides a very easy method to send email. In this article, I'll take it one step beyond one message and use an SQL table for our email address source. Using a similiar page, I have generated over 2,800 personalized messages in a matter...

Multiple Namespaced Assemblies - April 26, 2002

This article displays how to create a multiple namespaced assembly like we have ones provided with the .NET like System.Data.Oledb and System.Data.SqlClient.

Searching LDAP Servers - April 26, 2002

This article demonstrates how to perform basic entry searches and DSE Info queries against an LDAP server in your code.

Review: ASP.NET Unleashed - April 26, 2002

An in-depth, nitpicky review of one of the best ASP.NET books around.

SQL: Select Birthdays in Range - April 25, 2002

Selecting all birthdays that fall within a given date range and determining the person's age on their birthday turns out to be a non-trivial SQL query. This article describes my solution to this problem.

Interview: Joe Mayo - April 25, 2002

Go for it. Don't sit back and wait or worry about what people will think. The more you write the more experience you will have. Embrace criticism in all forms. Those who provide it are not always right, and you may not always like the delivery. More ...

Caching ASP.NET Pages - April 25, 2002

Covers output caching in ASP.NET, a simple yet powerful way to increase a Web server's throughput by allowing the entire response content from dynamically generated pages to be cached.

Optional Parameters in C - April 24, 2002

C doesn't support optional parameters, despite the existence of situations that would benefit from them and no negative effects of their being included. In this article I describe a technique for overcoming this limitation.

Opinion: Why I Chose C - April 24, 2002

An editorial explanation of why my personal preference is C over VB.NET, including some of the pros and cons of each language.
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