ASP AllianceThe #1 ASP/ASP.NET Community!Stored Procedures Are Swell- April 14, 2002 Why you should use Stored Procedures in your ASPASP.Net applications iASP and Oracle on Netware- April 14, 2002 How-to run Halyconsoft iASP on Netware 5 (horror story included) Making Those Cool Jump Menus- April 14, 2002 A step by step guide to making cool jump menus Current Users Online Database- April 14, 2002 HOW-TO article on how to create a very simple page that lists the currently online users at your web page. Written in response to a request by an ASPAlliance user... An Introduction to SQL- April 14, 2002 Learn the basics of SQL in this concise tutorial Apostrophes in SQL Strings- April 14, 2002 How to avoid the perennial apostrophes in SQL strings problem ASP.NET Data Access 101- April 14, 2002 An simple introduction to accessing databases with ASP.NET Opinion-Microsoft & The Future- April 14, 2002 Where is Microsoft heading Where is the Internet Industry heading These questions run through my head almost constantly these days, and I tried to answer them in this article - in my usual sarcastic way. 15 Year Old Web Developers- April 14, 2002 As a 15 year old web developer, I feel fairly comfortable commenting on why people shouldn't employ them. If this article doesn't convince you, the rest of my site should. ASPASP.Net Stored Procedures- April 14, 2002 A Back To Basics Introduction To SQL Stored Procedures |