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Feed items 1 - 10 of 27 for August 2002

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The Index Server Companion - August 30, 2002

Allows Index Server to index content from remote websites and ODBC databases

Some Crystal .Net Tips - August 29, 2002

Here are some recurring Crystal .Net issues, deployment and such, that I have compiled into a little FAQ.

Crystal.Net SP to Dataset - August 29, 2002

How to create a Crystal .net report with a dataset, populated using an SP.

Changing Crystal Formulas - August 29, 2002

A quick walk through of changing formulas programmatically in a Crystal .Net report using VB .Net

Creating a simple forum - August 25, 2002

In this article I will show you how you easily can create a very simple, threaded forum. It can be used as a discussion forum, comment system for articles or news and so on.

Creating a Master-detail page - August 25, 2002

In this article I'll show you have you can quite easily make a master-detail page by nesting repeater controls. The data will be taken from the Northwind database, and the two tables we are going to use are 'Categories' and 'Products'.

Encrypted passwds in web.conf - August 25, 2002

Shows you how you can easily make a page that can calculate a SHA1 and MD5 hash value of your passwords for use in a web.config file.

Image upload - August 25, 2002

In this article I wills how you how you can easily make an ASP.Net application that will allow users to upload images.

RichTextBox and IBS and Forums - August 23, 2002

How to use the RichTextBox ASP.NET server control with IBuySpy Portal and ASP.NET Forums

Database Class in Classic ASP - August 22, 2002

This tutorial is an attempt to simplify and standardize database access within any ASP applications. The examples can be used in any ASP application. While handling with RecordSets GetRows are used, thus releasing the database connection immediately.
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