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Feed items 21 - 30 of 52 for February 2002

ASP Alliance

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Download Files - Force Dialog - February 11, 2002

Download files of any type and force Download File Dialog, even when MIME type is supported

Load an image from a remote se - February 11, 2002

Using System.Drawing and System.Net.WebClient to load and display an image from a web site

VB.NET and VB 6.0 - A glance. - February 11, 2002

This article goes through, some of the main coding differences between VB.NET and VB 6.0

ASP.NET, CSS, & Browser Caps - February 11, 2002

Learn how to support CSS for multiple browsers with the ASP.NET Browser object and ASP.NET User Controls.

Dynamically create Web Forms - February 10, 2002

A web form is just a collection of controls and ASP.NET provides you with the methods to manipulate this collection.

Book Review: Professional VB . - February 10, 2002

Book Review: Professional VB .NET

Search and Replace with FSO - February 8, 2002

Explains how to recursively search and replace in all files in a folder and it's sub folders.

Simple threaded Message Board - February 8, 2002

Explains one method of creating a relatively quick and simple fully threaded message board with a database backend.

Randomness and Recordsets... - February 8, 2002

A simple description of how to pull random records from Access or SQL Server.

Page templates the easy way. - February 8, 2002

A very simple means for doing templatized pages. Requires only one change in the VS.Net created pages to use on a site.
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