ASP AllianceThe #1 ASP/ASP.NET Community!Downloading files to Client PC- July 24, 2002 This articles talks about displaying all the files in a directory with a Hyperlink to download it. Source code is available in both VB.NET and C Cleaning Your Address List- July 24, 2002 Lately at Quiksoft, we have been talking a lot about cleaning up our e-mail address list.. Many of our customers have been asking how to reliably track the status of outbound e-mail messages, and how to update their address database when a message is .... Microsoft Access (Jet) Advice- July 23, 2002 Many ASP applications use an Access database, but few do it right the first time. Here is some tried-and-true advice on using it efficiently in a multiuser environment, and will be continuously updated. .NET CLI: Truths & Fiction- July 23, 2002 Another .NET Framework overview, but focused on separating fact from fiction. ASP.NET: Compilation- July 23, 2002 Technical details on how ASP.NET pages are compiled to native code when requested. Concatenation Performance Test- July 23, 2002 See what and when matters when concatenating strings Introducing Custom Controls- July 23, 2002 There are essentially two types of controls in ASP.NET - Custom Controls and User Controls. These two controls are quite different. This article will take you through the basics of creating Custom Controls. Interview: Damon Allison- July 18, 2002 "With .NET in particular, the entry level books are everywhere. As .NET matures and the skill level of the average .NETter improves, book topics will begin to get deeper and more focused. Plan for this in your outline and make sure you evaluate the ...." Transaction Object in ADO.NET- July 16, 2002 Articles describes the situations in which the Transaction objects are used and how the implementation of the Transaction Object can be made in ASP.NET projects. Display Images From SQL Server- July 14, 2002 This article will show you how to do that as well as putting those images in a DataGrid. |