ASP AllianceThe #1 ASP/ASP.NET Community!User Password Validator in C- September 14, 2002 I was working on our employee Intranet last week and needed to help our employees come up with password that met certain standards. The code is a server side validator that checks four items... SQL: Bulk Change Owner- September 11, 2002 Change the owner of every table or stored procedure in a database using these scripts developed by SQL guru David Penton. Migrating ASP to ASP.NET- September 10, 2002 step-by-step instructionsexplanation for migrating ASP applications to ASP.NET. Review: Distributed .NET in C- September 9, 2002 Book Review of Distributed .NET Programming in C by Tom Barnaby - one of my top picks. Useful Methods in C- September 8, 2002 The purpose of this article is to provide a collection of useful, practical methods that can be used when programming in the .Net framework. Getting Started - HTTPModules- September 8, 2002 This article takes an in-depth look at HTTPModules, their creation and the implementation of them. The Global.ASAX File- September 8, 2002 ASP.NET has a match for the Classic ASP global.asa file and that is Global.asax. This article will go over the advancements and usage of the global.asax file. The life of an ASP.NET Request- September 8, 2002 Although it may seem like it, the way that ASP.NET processes your HTTP Request and returns your web page is a lot more complex than it may seem. This article will look at the HTTP Pipeline in ASP.NET in the lead up to your rendered page. Custom Event Arguments- September 8, 2002 Custom event arguments allow you to create a class that you pass along with your events that contain extra information in them that you may want. This article goes over the creation of them and implenting them in events. Getting Started-HTTPHandlers- September 8, 2002 This article takes an in-depth look at HTTPHanders, their creation, the implementation of them and under-documented ASHX file. |