The Venture Skills BlogSEO and Drupal CMS blendedSocial search is all about trust- January 28, 2008 When StumbleUpon started integrating there results into Googles they effectively changed the way I search. If Im presented with 10 results I am now more likely to click through to a site with a StumbleUpon review and in particular if it has a friends review. I have an inbuilt trust of stumblers even if they are ... Embrace your potential stop hiding in SEOs shadow- January 15, 2008 This is a plea to all those who would consider themselves Social Media Optimisers, Linkbaiters and Copywriters and perhaps maybe even those who consider themselves SEOs. You are more then a sibling Social Media Optimisation may have been born out of the need for links for search engine optimisation but that was a long time ago. Today ... Are Social Users Different- January 13, 2008 Social Media users are becoming the stable bread and butter users of many blogs and professional link baiter&8217;s but few people understand how diverse (or not) these groups are recently we have been putting our efforts into looking at not only how they interact with our sites but how social media users differ from &8220;normal&8221; ... Mullet vs Mulldina or just use a domain- January 9, 2008 It&8217;s the question that has been keeping you awake at night, do you go for the full on Mullet or just the appearance of a Mullet with the Mulldina I know your problem I to have had the same sleepless nights and the answer is to use both in your social media campaign. Please note no 80s ... |