Under The Sycamore Trees... the continuing adventures of Benjamin Fig and Dr Buffy ...Uk weblogs- April 10, 2004 Have added the site to the UK weblogs aggregator but it hasn't appeared yet. I'm almost finished by ebay travails - nearly all of my auctions are now online, should have the last ones done today. Then it's just a case of waiting 7 days, getting the mohttp://benjaminfig.blogspot.com/archives/2004_04_01_benjaminfig_archive.html#1081587125138... Book Crossing- April 6, 2004 Released our first book into the wild tonight in a shopping centre in N Ireland. It was JACKIE BROWN by Elmore Leonard. I wonder who will find it... And what will happen then Our house is a bit of a bomb site at the moment as we're getting rid of a lohttp://benjaminfig.blogspot.com/archives/2004_04_01_benjaminfig_archive.html#1081289380483... |