Under The Sycamore Trees... the continuing adventures of Benjamin Fig and Dr Buffy ...IVF No Go- June 5, 2004 Just sent out the following email: Dear Everyone This is just a short email to let you know that our first cycle of IVF was unsuccessful. The chances of our one embryo making it were always slim (10-15%, apparently), but it's still hard to accept thhttp://benjaminfig.blogspot.com/archives/2004_06_01_benjaminfig_archive.html#1086430307421... Down Again...- June 3, 2004 Another bump on the rocky rollercoaster that is IVF tonight. Our pregnancy condition is negative, I repeat negative. Fuck this for a game of soldiers. Let's go and get pissed.http://benjaminfig.blogspot.com/archives/2004_06_01_benjaminfig_archive.html#1086303177287... |