Are You Strong Enough ... - ???Are You Strong Enough ... - ??? - May 16, 2005 TORI AMOS GELCEKMISH !!!!!!!!!!10 TEMMUZ DAISTANBULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA =)SUPER sevindim !!=) (Untitled)- May 15, 2005 SERRA S is for Sweet E is for Enjoyable R is for Relaxing R is for Refreshing A is for Altruistic What Does Your Name Mean The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to obedience and warmth. In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional,... (Untitled)- May 9, 2005 torene katlmsh gibi oldum.her ylk gibi bugunde soviet maarshlar ile uyandm. ama bu ylk toren ne toren !! Rus heykelin onunde oturtmuyorlard su son haftalarda megersem bugun ichinmish. 100lerce 60 gechmish grandmother grandfather larla suru soviet bayraklar uchushuyor...heykelin onu ciceklerle....buyuk ekran kurdular eski asker soviet goruntuleri fln var...annemle terasa ckp sanki parka UFO indi gibi izledik...biraz kamerayada cektik ama pili bitti allahn belas seyin. Inanlmaz bi... Last Day of School - time 4 picssss- May 8, 2005 Son okul gunu and the rose ceromony - when the lower grade gives roses to the seniors and the school says goodbyre to the plays...people cry hug scream sing get crazy...and its a weird atmoshpeherehere it goessss =) check 'em out the pics from last day of school my grade =) nikolcho and toma the best everI LUVV this pic =)Maria, Me n Veradiddy,maria,vera,me ,deni- down bj - up milatoma ,me ,bj ,davis , veravlado, me ,bj , dav,is , veraanother view =)there s some moreeeee but i.. |