Are You Strong Enough ... - ???Are You Strong Enough ... - ??? - LiveJournal.comPROM - 22nd of MAY- June 8, 2005 Balo !! PROM !there are some better nice pics from the prom which i ll post them when they are available..fornow ...i m puttin these on recordthe cake in sheratonmy promdate Alex and a very good FRIEND in the same time and mearrival in skulme n diddy (in skul)with merylwith ina and zhanigroup pics - mishi,pavka,me,alex,skinny,bjfamily me n bjchosen best couple of the night titi n krassi i ll post more soon. probably also more interesting ones then jus smilin and posin to the cam pics GRADUATION PICS - 20th of MAY- June 8, 2005 Graduation Resimleri -Diploma Treni PicsSECT pICTURE - haha and i have no hands !! i m the one ...the very short one =)while the ceromony - i was sittin first row in the middleinterested graduates ah me suspicious - stupid maria pretendin she s listeninme pissed n bored - maria same - stancho sameme about evil look =) - maria same that fake creature. I think this was while the out of place Microsoft speech - promoting pure capitalism , and BUY N LOVE microsoft. somebody explain why a person... prom-senior trip-belgrad- benim manyak virus- June 8, 2005 eveeeeet uzun oldu dimi...yane o kadarda uzun deil ama genelde her gun bi sey zrvalayan bi yaratk olarak (bu aralar yartkms bi goruntu icersindeyim) 1-2 haftadan beri hatta daha fazla neyse ishte yazmamshm yaziorum.--------------------------------PROM-----------------------------------En Son Graduation fln demishtik. Harbi Guzeldi Graduation.Iki gun sonra Prom oldu. O da mukemmel bi geceydi. En son dakkaya kadar...pek ole heyecanl deildim...Elbisem guzel diodum ama pekde hevesli deildim.... |