Toms Brook NewsLocal news for Toms Brook, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Changes in progress- October 11, 2007 "We know how to charge what we're going to charge. And that wasn't really written down ever before, so now we kind of have that structure, and the staff can really take it and run with it." Pam Sheets, the director of the county Parks and Recreation Department, was the main speaker at the town and county dinner. via Shenandoah Valley-Herald Supes Respond To School Board's CIP- October 6, 2007 "If they feel that's the way to go, I'm going to support that." Two supervisors have offered praise to Superintendent Keith Rowland and the school board for choosing to stagger the construction of two new elementary schools. via Shenandoah Valley-Herald Dems Rally Around Warner- October 4, 2007 "Just think about what kind of American jobs we can create" The only things missing were the smoke machine, anthem-like music and bumper stickers. via Shenandoah Valley-Herald |