Toms Brook NewsLocal news for Toms Brook, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Click for entire article- November 21, 2007 "It's going to take a lot of talking and a lot of trying to push this" A critical shortage in the number of rescue squad personnel combined with the increasing call failure rate in New Market has prompted county fire chief Gary Yew to ask for more help. via The Daily News-Record Staunton, Va- November 19, 2007 "The fire danger has dropped below the critical stage, however conditions are still dryer than normal for this time of year" Sunspots Studios will give the public a chance to try glass blowing in December. via Staunton Daily News Leader Townhouse In Flames- November 14, 2007 "When I came outside and I saw those flames running up, I could hear it" The day his townhouse caught on fire, Dan Utley had his fireplace running, as he had for the past week since the weather had turned cooler. via Shenandoah Valley-Herald |