Appalachia NewsLocal news for Appalachia, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Since when is 'redneck' a pejorative- June 29, 2008 This time it's a duly certified, establishment-vetted, card-carrying member of the Mainstream Media who's been caught, tried and convicted by the always watchful PC Police. Music of Coal: Mining Songs from the Appalachian Coalfields- June 27, 2008 Review : Music of Coal: Mining Songs from the Appalachian Coalfields Bob_Cherry wrote: on Jun. Rail Motorcars Tour Central Railway.....- June 25, 2008 The cold dampness and fog of the early morning did not hamper the excitement and anticipation of those preparing for the nearly 12-hour motorcar run into the scenic heartland of Appalachia Saturday morning. ArcelorMittal to buy Appalachian coal producer- June 23, 2008 International mining and metals company ArcelorMittal is jumping into the Central Appalachian coal business amid rumors that it's also poised to buy an Australian producer. Student witnesses effect of mountain top removal- June 22, 2008 Tyler Sheaffer, 19, of Richfield, wants to shed light on a mountain of a problem a few hundred miles away. Fallen tree leads to power outage in Vinton- June 20, 2008 About 160 Appalachian Power Co. customers are without power in Vinton, officials said. The Friday Short List- June 18, 2008 Celebrate summer with these surf-loving penguins. "Surf's Up" is showing on an outdoor 15-by-20-foot screen with surround sound. It's Not Race, It's Arugula- June 16, 2008 On the way to his rendezvous with destiny, Barack Obama consistently lost white voters, especially of the middle and working classes, to Hillary Clinton--voters variously known as Appalachians or Reagan ... Editorial: No big surprise- June 14, 2008 ARC report citing road development just confirms need Editorial: No big surprise ARC report citing road development just confirms need Opinion: The Register-Herald, Beckley, W.Va. Tens of thousands of jobs and ... AEHQ: MSNBC Anchor Apologizes for A'RedneckA' Remark- June 13, 2008 MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell issued an on-air apology Monday following a remark last week in which she referred to an area of southwestern Virginia as "redneck, sort of bordering-on-Appalachia country." ... |