Appalachia NewsLocal news for Appalachia, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Approval Of Power Plant Permits Clear Way For Construction- July 3, 2008 The Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center will move swiftly toward construction, officials said Wednesday after the state Air Pollution Control Board approved permits for the 585-megawatt, coal-fired power plant. Winning and Losing in Wise Co., Va- July 1, 2008 For the last year in Virginia we have been fighting tooth and nail against a new coal fired power plant in Wise Co., Va , one of the few coal producing counties in this state, and a place where King Coal still ... Stratford teens volunteering in Appalachia- July 1, 2008 Giving up lazy summer afternoons at the beach, teens from a local church will instead pool their efforts to do home repairs for people living in one of the nation's poorest areas. From Africa to Appalachia- July 1, 2008 The banjo -- that quintessentially American instrument, staple of down-home musical styles like bluegrass and old-time -- wasn't born here, but came to these shores from Africa. |