ZzajGolb Home of Music & Thought That AIN'T for th' MASSESThis is generally the "rant-space" for an itinerant musician (of sorts) named ROTCOD ZZAJ (you figger it out)... the only thing you need to bring with you is an OPEN MIND!30 January, 2004- January 31, 2004 Gourd, it's been a BIZ-EE week... 10 & 12 hour days, loaded 4 brand-NEW computers (WIN2k, WIN XP OFC, peer-to-peer sharing & desktopsprofiles for 4 users, 12 separate shares) & improvements to my database. I'm NOT complaining, I'd much rather...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000086.html 25 January, 2004- January 25, 2004 Well, I completed ALL my indexing for the Zzaj catalog.. that doesnt mean it's "all over", because there were several CD inserts that were missing... but, ALL master and backup copies are now in place, & the DB is much...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000081.html 20 January, 2004- January 21, 2004 We spent a (very) pleasant weekend... house-hunting with my wife, perusing the (local) used paperback store, & (re)cataloging the (by now) massive Zzaj Productions database. Actually STILL re-working the DB, but over 50% of it got done this weekend. NOTHING...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000074.html 13 January, 2004- January 14, 2004 I've had (more than) a couple of commentaries regarding my post about the judge who "dressed down" that "shoe bomber". A couple indicated that they thought I was being "pro-war"... nothing could be further from the truth! Similar to raising...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000068.html 11 January, 2004- January 12, 2004 For those who've been wonderin' where'n'l Zzaj has been... the COMPUTER DIED! Had to reformat the drive & lost (just about) everything. Most of the backup CD's I made worked, but one or two were toast, so quite a few...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000067.html 7 January, 2004- January 7, 2004 No-one in today's world (in their right mind) could harbor doubt(s) that politicians are the slimiest (and slipperiest) barstards on the face of the planet... but Shrubbie has stooped to new lows in his bid to grab Hispanic votes! We've...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000061.html 4 January, 2004- January 4, 2004 I'd never checked the law out on this before, but THIS appears to be one way to BEAT (some of) those annoying phone calls! If you think th' driving conditions are rough where YOU're at, check out THIS area! Spent...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000058.html |