ZzajGolb Home of Music & Thought That AIN'T for th' MASSESThis is generally the "rant-space" for an itinerant musician (of sorts) named ROTCOD ZZAJ (you figger it out)... the only thing you need to bring with you is an OPEN MIND!17 April, 2004- April 17, 2004 I've spent the last couple of weeks in feverish pursuit of how to usedeploy DAP pages (to escape the pain of .asp code). Finally "cracked" th' code 4 days ago, & now have a full set of interactive pages posted...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000144.html 3 April, 2004- April 3, 2004 It is DIFFICULT to believe I just spent 45 days away from home, in th' swamps of L'ouisiana.... oh, b'well... at least I lived to tell 'bout it, eh This trip was not NEARLY as bad as the trip in...http://vejadu.sdf-us.org/mt/zzajarchives/000134.html |