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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for January 2008

Stickses and Stories

Stickses and Stories -

(Untitled) - January 17, 2008

 First, thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive the past few days and left comments on my LJ. This weekend I will be answering the many that I was not able to do before work began for me again and I wasn't able to get over to Llinos' house to use her computer. I appreciate each and every one of them! The reason that I am posting tonight is because something came up that I felt couldn't wait. Llinos read this post by Pearl Took to me over the phone while I was on the...

Update - January 11, 2008

Hi EverybodyNot Marigold here, but Llinos. Just to update you, Lesley and I managed to get the last load of their stuff into storage today and then she had to dash back to her flat for a delivery - which of course didn't turn up!Tomorrow morning she has a prospective buyer coming to view the flat so fingers crossed! She also has a fight with the delivery people and some painting to do (which I am rubbish at and so can't help her with - I get more paint on myself than I do on the..

About the Challenges... - January 10, 2008

Hullo Everyone... At last, here is an update about what is going on with the Challenges and Recs Page, and I apologise for taking so long to fill everyone in.   First though, a bit about what has been taking up so much of my time. I started my new job with Heathrow Express and it's the most challenging thing that I've ever undertaken. Most of my shifts are spent working as a train dispatcher at either one of our two stations at Heathrow or at Paddington. The level of...

Brief Hullo! - January 7, 2008

Hi Everybody : )  This is just a very short note to let anyone concerned know that I will be making a lengthy post here on Wednesday or Thursday about what has been going on with me and to let everyone know the state of the Challenges and the Recs Page.I hope that everyone is having a wonderful New Year so far!Marigold
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