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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for March 2008

Stickses and Stories

Stickses and Stories -

What is Sam saying - March 17, 2008

1. "When I was a hobbit I was this high."2. "Where did that large dog go"3. "Do you like my yo-yo The string is invisible!"Other suggestionsFor the correct answer check out the latest entry on llinos's journal

Squeeing over Empty! - March 9, 2008

 llinoshas put links to both episodes of Empty (starring Billy! of course) on her lj along with some terrific stills! I really loved this weeks episode and thought that Billy really got to showcase his talents, especially doing the Mr Pastry dance! For those of you that don't know the story behind this comedy classic it's all explained in Llinos' post, complete with a clip to the original as well as a clip of Billy's version. Here is the link to the fun! The post is friends...
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