That Good Night -Independent commentary on U.S. and World politics, law and other frustrations.Young and Old- August 31, 2007 Originally written late Mayearly June, 2007 on a scratch paper notepad. My chosen destination for a late lunch on this warm sunny spring day was a Friendlys restaurant snuggled in strip-mall suburbia. A local establishment (its headquarters mere miles away in Wilbraham, MA,) its changed little since I was a child, and changes little from place to place. I would hesitate to call anything about its dcor homegrown or distinctively New England. The closest it comes is a tiny shelf of assorted... Evening Addendum: spontaneous musings on writing style- August 30, 2007 The sentences were getting a little long tonight. It denotes a lack of subject matter and a lack of focus. Also a lack of practice. I need to get myself back in the blogging saddle. Having read some new blogs recently, I've come to the conclusion that blogging is a very different animal from just writing. One may certainly have a blog that is specifically intended to thrust one's non-bloggy writing out into the blogosphere. However, to truly blog, one must shift literary gears. Blogging is... Cool Stuff- August 30, 2007 Something cool happened at my job. After feeling the pain of professional rejection, and the far greater pain of having a full caseload for the first time in months, I was notified last week that I am getting promoted. As far as the "just kidding"s of the world go, this one was not so bad. Of course, now I will feel the pain of trying to dispose of almost a full caseload in about a month. Meanwhile, I've encountered a statistical aberration: two whiny white guys at once. Now, don't get me... P.S. - classic video gaming, anyone- August 19, 2007 Anyone up for some Brood War I was never good at it, and I'm even worse now. But since Starcraft II is on the horizon, I'm going to give it my best shot so that I can try to get in on the ground floor when the sequel is launched. I already have plans to get a new Mac in the fall, so hopefully my system will be 1337 enough to handle the new killer Blizzard app. However, I will not be 1337 enough. Anyone willing to play ANDOR be patient and try to teach me the nuances of Blizzard RTS at the same.. love you for what I am not- August 19, 2007 Howdy from the further East, boys'n'girls. I've been bunkering down with the family since Thursday night, and it's been a blast. I ordered one of them nice greasy local pizzas, rented some movies, read the last Harry Potter book, slept late, went to lunch at John Harvard's, did a whole lot of nothing and loved every minute of it. I've also watched enough TV to kill a clump of brain cells equivalent to one possessed by a large-ish lizard or a small rodent. TV is good. If I could afford lots of... Stream-of-consciousness experiment 1- August 12, 2007 An experiment in stream of consciousness writing. Any attempts to discern meaning are futile and any adverse consequences from any such attempts are solely the responsibility of the reader. -Ed. Most typos will remain unedited unless I catch them quickly. Come hither and I will tell you a tale of a time long past, when all the world was gray no man had yet set foot upon the endless coast and all the world was silent no world to speak of in fact, for such a word implies form. Likewise any... My desktop computer is 8 years old. I shit you not.- August 6, 2007 Why am I posting about a potential computer purchase Because I need some help, not necessarily with hardware, but with software. As you may or may not know, my demo recordings posted to this site are rough. Really rough. Sandpaper-on-your-most-intimate-parts rough. I've got some decent musical equipment (although I suppose one SM-58 microphone doesn't really cut it) but getting the sounds INTO the computer has been a real challenge. Digital distortion flareups make recording vocals onto my... |