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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for September 2007

That Good Night -

Independent commentary on U.S. and World politics, law and other frustrations.

There, but for, go I, etc. - September 24, 2007

One of my colleagues, one whom I never met, is a colleague no longer. Having received notice of her hiring rather late, she skipped get-to-know-Springfield week and went straight to the intensive training for new attorneys. Thus, we never met in person. We heard an interesting anecdote from our boss and got some personalprofessional details, but that was it. Now she is dead. Suicide and I have had an interesting relationship. Like most of my relationships, there was always a dearth of primal...

Review: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii) - September 14, 2007

It's been about a year since my totally awesome mom waited in line at 5:30 AM in front of a Toys'r'us to get me a Wii for a birthday present. Before that, I had been behind the video game curve. My "reviews," such as they were, were for games that had already been played and reviewed to death everywhere else. But a new era has dawned, and although I cannot claim to have played the many new games for PS3 and Xbox360, I have decided that new Wii games are a luxury I can afford. Enter Metroid...

In defense of the common usage: "unique" - September 13, 2007

According to the internet, and other, more reputable sources, the word "unique" is one of many modern litmus tests for the properly-educated and grammatically fastidious. If one lazily uses the term with a modifier, i.e. "quite unique," "rather unique," or the anathematized "very unique," one is out of the club - no secret handshake, no decoder ring, no access to the secret hideout. My so-called peers and colleagues may look upon me with shame and disgust, but I must rise to the defense of the..

Another Side, Part II - September 4, 2007

I will say this and this alone regarding my communications to you, my stranger friend: because I have visited your world, I will make the effort to meet you on your terms. I cannot tarry, however, to wrangle with the way that my world defies description by your words. I will simply do the best I can. Our kind are never truly young, though we are, for a time, ill-formed. As best I can remember, I spent my ill-formed days very close to that soupy swamp. This was not so uncommon. Many congregated.

A work of fiction, tentatively titled "Another Side," Part I - September 4, 2007

The following comes with no promises or guarantees as to when, if ever, it will be continued or concluded. To Whom It may Concern, Although you have never met me, rest assured that you know me. You have borne witness to several jumbled fragments of my existence, as I have to yours. We are connected, you and I. I know not how and I know not why. I begin with this proclamation of ignorance in the hopes that you will not distract yourself by attempting to answer the questions, or worse yet,...
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