The "U" WordMaking Windows safe for Unix people since 1995OSnews likes SFU 3.5! Bush & Clinton kiss and make up! Details and film at Eleven!- January 26, 2004 The folks at OSnews are not exactly known for being Microsoft-friendly. Some of my colleagues have gone so far as to call them hostile. I wouldn't go that far; they just never, never give MS the benefit of the doubt. That's cool, though. Then I read this review of SFU. I'm figuring we're due for a serious dope-slapping... and then I see a positive, close to glowing, review. Whoa. Knock me on my butt with a feather. Why is there no X Server in Services For Unix- January 19, 2004 As I've been trolling blogspace for posts on the new Services For Unix, I've noticed one question coming up more than any other: &8220;How do I turn on the X Server in this thing&8221; There is no X Server in Services For Unix. &8220;But... How can it be Unix if it doesn't have X&8221; I hear you cry. (If you haven't cried it yet, go ahead - I'll wait until you're done crying. :-) I've been at Microsoft for more than four years, now, and I've been intimately involved with the SFU product for... Another techno toy to buy - gotta getta SPOT watch- January 18, 2004 On Friday I sat through a one-hour internal talk on the SPOT technology, the new MSN Direct service the company just rolled out, and the first products built to use it - the SPOT watches from Abacus, Fossil and Suunto. Based on specs, I figured I'd need to get the Suunto; I'm a sailor, so I need something water-resistant and really well-built. But before I plunked down the bucks, I was hoping I could read some reviews, see some photos, that kind of thing. Lo and behold, Brian Johnson.. |