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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for February 2004

The "U" Word

Making Windows safe for Unix people since 1995

Migrating to Linux is far more expensive than expected - February 18, 2004

Just read an article about the experience the City of Munich is having in migrating from Windows to Linux. Apparently, the migration project has run into some serious snags and cost overruns in the areas of secuity, compatibility, and stability. They're also getting hit harder than they expected for training costs. The city council is demanding an investigation, since they were promised &8220;cheaper&8221;. Apparently some people have forgotten that even during the final project bid...

An end to stupidity - the solution to the Crimson Room puzzle - February 13, 2004

I have been enlightened. Herewith is the solution to the Crimson Room puzzle, but it's been &8220;rot13&8221;ized. (What's that, you say rot-13 That means each letter has been replaced with the letter 13 characters later in the alphabet. A is replaced with N; Z is replaced with M; etc. For UNIX users, this is translated easily with the &8220;tr&8221; command, to wit: tr a-mn-zA-MN-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M < sourcefile > destfile If you don't have UNIX, install SFU, save this text, then do the rot13.

How to feel stupider than everyone else, part 2 - February 13, 2004

So I posted a pointer to a really cool flash-based puzzle which had stumped me for an hour. An hour later (admittedly, only intermittent attention paid to puzzle), four people have already commented that they've solved it. I like to think I'm a smart guy, but I'm feeling stupider every minute.

"Essentials of Windows for UNIX developers" on-line course goes live! - February 13, 2004

When discussing with CIOs and IT directors the idea of adding Windows to the set of platforms for which they develop custom line-of-business apps, one of the most common questions I hear is this: &8220;I've got a team of 50 (or 150, or...) UNIX developers who've been doing that for ten years, or more. How can I get them up to speed on building apps for Windows&8220; A serious problem, since developers are not fungible resources; even if you could replace a UNIX-skilled dev with an...

How do you keep a web surfer busy for hours - February 13, 2004

Send them here. Don't blame me if their weekend disappears.

Four new UNIX Solution guides released - February 6, 2004

Last Friday my team released the last of four guides planned to release by the end of 2003. (Hey, only a one-month slip isn't bad!) That brings the total number of guides in the area of UNIX migration and interop to 8. See the set of links at the left side of the screen to get there. My manager wrote an internal announcement on this stuff, and he promised me there'd be a press release. So I searched PressPass - nothing there yet. Sigh. It'd be nice to be able to point my Mom at it and say...

Microsoft releases Solution Guide for integrating Unix systems with Windows for Authentication and Authorization - February 6, 2004

As promised two weeks back, we finally got this out the door last week. Sorry I'm so late in letting everyone know; it's been a week of getting myself dug out from a sudden, unexpected trip to Boston and then to New York for LinuxWorld. Solution Guide for Windows Security and Directory Services for UNIXUsing Active Directory and Kerberos for authentication and identity store in a heterogeneous UNIX and Windows IT environment.

Verbal vs. written style - February 6, 2004

Betsy Aoki, the manager of this community site (amongst others), writes that people are surprised that her verbal style is different from the written style of her blog. Oddly enough, I am often told that my conversational style and written style are almost identical. Some friends have told me they can hear my voice in their head reading the words I've written on paper or in email. (Let's not get into questioning their sanity, okay) Maybe I use a variety of verbal styles, thus covering all the...

Microsoft Research releases source code to "Allegiance" MORPG game - February 6, 2004

A couple of years back, Microsoft Research built a game called &8220;Allegiance&8221;. It was a multiplayer on-line RPG set in a rather complex spacecoloniesraces milieu. Pretty cool, but never really caught on. A hard-core user base evolved, but the game didn't really hit big. I just saw that Microsoft Research has released the game source code to community. The release is governed by a Shared Source license that prohibits commercial use; that is, you can't take the source, tweak it,...
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