Tales from the BitfaceTales from the Bitface - LiveJournal.comTime for writing crosses in booths, folks- April 29, 2008 You know what&8217;s coming. It&8217;s nearly the 1st of May, and that means elections. An all-too-infrequent chance to exercise our fundamental democratic right and duty. Always important, even when you&8217;re quite happy with how things are. Somebody else won&8217;t be, and you don&8217;t want them to change things. Of course, that&8217;s not what gets people out to vote: a desire for change is much more likely to bring crowds to the local schools, village halls, and other little nooks..http://devilgate.livejournal.com/58562.html That &8216;reporting back from Eastercon&8217; business- April 3, 2008 I realise that I said I would report back from Eastercon. It already seems like quite a long time ago. I had a great time, though I missed out on the Saturday night and Sunday morning and early afternoon, as I went to collect my son from his grandparents&8217;. It was his first convention, and I think he quite enjoyed it; though the next time we&8217;ll need to ensure that there are some other kids there who like Yu-Gi-Oh!. I saw some old friends and had a fine time. I was very restrained..http://devilgate.livejournal.com/58252.html Old Man&8217;s War, by John Scalzi (Books 2008, 3)- April 3, 2008 I&8217;ve been reading Scalzi&8217;s blog on and off for a few years, and he comes across as one of the good guys: certainly on the side of light, a good laugh, and someone you imagine would be fun to meet. So I&8217;ve been meaning to read his SF for a while. My thanks to his publishers, Tor, then, for making his debut available via their free ebooks programme. I read most of it on the Eee PC, with some bits on my phone (when I was standing up on the tube). In short, I loved it; though I.http://devilgate.livejournal.com/58111.html |