Tales from the BitfaceTales from the Bitface - LiveJournal.comFloating- May 25, 2008 So the Tories took Crewe and Nantwich in the by-election. I don&8217;t understand (never have) the mentality, the mindset, the brains of &8216;floating voters&8217;. I&8217;m not saying that no-one should ever change their mind, in politics or anything else; nor do I think that people can&8217;t be convinced by the arguments over issues &8211; nor, for that matter, swayed by the force of a candidate&8217;s personality. Furthermore, I speak as one who has voted against Labour, my...http://devilgate.livejournal.com/59262.html Looking forward to hearing this- May 13, 2008 My favourite author and a favourite TV writer: together again for the first time! Iain Banks has now taken a look at the recording script of my BBC Radio 4 adaptation of his novella The State of the Art and pronounces himself pleased. From Paul Cornell&8217;s blog This entry was automatically crossposted from my blog, A Labourer at the Bitface. You can comment here on LJ, but it might be nice if you commented over there.http://devilgate.livejournal.com/58900.html British Summer Time, by Paul Cornell (Books 2008, 4)- May 5, 2008 Paul Cornell wrote some of my favourite episodes of Doctor Who&8217;s recent years: &8216;Father&8217;s Day&8217;, and the &8216;Human Nature&8217;&8217;Family of Blood&8217; two-parter. After the latter, I downloaded and read the ebook of his original novel (on which the episodes were based). So I came to this with some knowledge of his writing. But not with so much knowledge of his religious beliefs. I had some sense &8211; from reading his blog, presumably &8211; that he was religious,...http://devilgate.livejournal.com/58723.html |