Tales from the BitfaceTales from the Bitface - LiveJournal.comThe Einstein Intersection, by Samuel R Delany (Books 2008, 5)- June 1, 2008 Or, &8216;A Fabulous, Formless Darkness&8217;, which was Delany&8217;s original preferred title, according to Neil Gaiman (him again) in his introduction to this edition. Delany writes twisty puzzle-stories, where it&8217;s not always clear what&8217;s going on, or why. I&8217;m a big fan of his later masterpiece, Dhalgren, which matches that description, for example. This one is more straightforward by comparison. It is Earth&8217;s far future. Humans have gone, and the world is instead...http://devilgate.livejournal.com/59634.html |