The Marketleap ReportThe Marketleap Report is your source for straight talk about the economy of the new millennium. We won't cut corners. It might be rough on the edges sometimes but only because we think you care enough for us to say it. Someone has to.Blame it on Netscape: Life Before Windows and the Web: A Quick History of the Internet and Open Source Software- (Found July 8, 2008 ) The topic of freedom stirs something in people. Not quite the passion that it used to, but in this inundated world it's easy to understand why. We don't have time to consider all the options. Too busy earning a living and surviving, we allow the markets to guide our needs. Big Brother 2 - Connected Boogaloo: Windows XP and the Web- (Found July 8, 2008 ) It will take over everything. All privacy will be gone. Large parts of the web and digital infrastructure of the economy will live in that cloud. Speaking to one of the computing giants, I trusted enough to know it was real. The Power of Pop-Under: Behind Your Browser, Advertisers Wait For You to Close- (Found July 8, 2008 ) If youve visited sites like MSN, Alta Vista, the L.A. Times and the N.Y. Times over the past few weeks, youve been exposed to the pop-under ad. Taking a cue from the porn industry (windows opened behind a browser dont feel as intrusive), is using the campaign to skyrocket traffic ratings and uncover new buyers for its web cameras. Flash and Wireless - Tales of Tech Spread- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Animated gangster girls modeled after the original Strawberry Shortcake and gang are headed to MTV in the fall. Based on a tasty Macromedia Flash cartoon created by Bullseye Art Studio and available on their website, Miss Muffy and the Muff Mob has been a personal favorite for the past few years. Lessons in Failure - The Top 10 Ways to Ensure Your Search Marketing Strategy Sucks- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Marketleap is always amazed at the amount of effort people spend trying to trick or manipulate their positioning in search engines. People love to focus on the shortcuts to success and not on their website or the value their content provides to their audience. In the spirit of educating marketers about best practices, we present this list of ten things you can do to sabotage your search engine marketing project in no time at all. From Purge to Surge: How customer service completes the marketing cycle online- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Customer acquisition is a hot topic for growing businesses online. Marketers look to the meadows of green customers grazing on the Internet and salivate. Cost-per-acquisition is a hot topic as companies look to effectively manage their cost to attract new clients. But what about keeping your customers once they get there If you look at the survivors in the market, customer service completes their marketing cycle. Head East Young Man: Tracing the web across America (at least half of it)- (Found July 8, 2008 ) The road waited patiently as we finished loading the truck. The prospect of driving a moving truck, car in tow, over two thousand miles in a just a few days lay before us like some Herculean task given to mortals. My mind raced with the thoughts of the sights and sounds we might encounter. Build the Foundation: Educate Yourself about Search Engine Marketing for Long-Term Success- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Have you ever wondered where you'd be without those first years of guidance If my mother hadn't taught me how to clean a wound and put on a band-aid, it's likely I might not have made it through some of the rough and tumble patches my adolescence dragged me through. Scraped knees and bloody messes turned from pain and tears into childhood war stories and lessons about how to take control of my own health. Is There a Market for Multimedia Advertising- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Is free file-sharing through networks like Kazaa on the brink of extinction Looking at recent legal actions and government posturing, the shift to legitimize online media is happening now. Technology is catching up and in order to protect copyrights, media producers will have to sell and control files online, forcing file traders to the underground chasms of the web. Search Engine Spam: Are you employing tactics that could get you kicked out of the search engines- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Mention the word spam and people automatically jump to thoughts of their email inbox overflowing with smut, Nigerian bank scams, and thousands of products they never knew they needed. Its not until they experience search engine spam that they realize that other online mediums suffer from being duped by mischievous marketers as well. |