The Marketleap ReportThe Marketleap Report is your source for straight talk about the economy of the new millennium. We won't cut corners. It might be rough on the edges sometimes but only because we think you care enough for us to say it. Someone has to.Search Engines: The Marketers Cost Efficient Outlet for Results and Relevance- (Found July 8, 2008 ) The Internet is only as good as what it connects to. Good networks rely on authentication. Authentication provides reliability, accuracy and trust. Companies that focus on search engine strategy, at the same time they work on their web business strategy, find success because they know how to communicate with the network. Back from the Underground: Intelligence, Marketing, the Internet and You- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Sometimes day to day business can be the worst distraction from looking ahead. One project turns to another quickly and suddenly the voice dries up. Unplugged like a bad power strip, surging ahead ceases. Poetry, Ghosts from Microsoft, and Marketing Hot Air or How the Giant Trips Loosely Through the Valley- (Found July 8, 2008 ) "We'll tie them all together. All of the networks, no matter how small. Into a seamless maze of digital unity. Pulsing with humanities exploits in every form. Driven by our code and a frenetic energy beyond belief," dreamt the wispy muse. Brand on the Run: Delivering Promises Sustains Brand, Not Impressions- (Found July 8, 2008 ) The Super Bowl dot com ad glut from a few years ago left everyone wondering what in the nether region was going on. How had a new interstellar class of online businesses stepped into the economy, and within a year captured the imagination and momentum of nearly everyone backing the stock markets Irreverence, bad taste, anything that could shock was employed to capture "mindshare" in a moment that felt like a bit of capital euphoria. Telling Good Stories: How the AI online campaign kicked viral marketing over the fence to us all- (Found July 8, 2008 ) The online marketing campaign for AI, Steven Spielberg's movie from last summer, changed the way that marketers approached the term viral. The games epic feel, homegrown appeal, and rich story made it a unique force on the web. The excitement and buzz it created for an online promotion was unheard of (Artificial Intelligence - Viral Marketing and the Web). Digital Marketing vs. Online Advertising: Breaking waves for marketers to catch- (Found July 8, 2008 ) The Internet marketing landscape has grown rapidly over the past few years, spreading out over the Internet like warm saltwater in the sea. Initially focused on banner advertising and search engine submissions, the environment has grown considerably in terms of tools and sophistication of the techniques that Internet marketers are employing. The Draw of Mail: How Successful Online Marketers Find Their Target- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Permission is a sacred trust between the consumer and the intelligent online marketer. Break it once and youll likely be remanded. Break it a second time and the consumer will strain, grasping at reasons to remain civil. Violate that trust a third time, and likely the mutual relationship will end, the consumer now determined to rid herself of the unwanted message. Geeks Gone Wild - AdBumb Strikes Out- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Americans' affinity for advertising captivates whole industries. The American consumer consumes enough due to exposure to advertisements that it warrants great study and reflection. The frequency, style and effectiveness of various types of ads continue to pace ahead of the general consciousness, slowing only to tantalize those ready for a taste of something new. Search No Further: Paid placement comes under fire- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Search engines help people make sense of the web. In terms of pervasiveness, their influence on Internet users ranks second only to e-mail. If you use the web, you use search engines. As dot-com advertising continues to dry up, search engines must find alternative ways to sell ad space. Alternatives to Microsoft: Opening Up to the World Beyond Windows- (Found July 8, 2008 ) With all the coverage surrounding Microsoft and Windows XP, Marketleap felt it would be valuable to shine the spotlight on alternative ways of computing that arent bought and sold by the behemoth from Redmond, Washington. |