Asian News from World Press ReviewWorld News ReviewSri Lankan Election Begins to Solidify Government Control- March 31, 2008 The overwhelming success of a breakaway faction of the L.T.T.E. in the March 10 local government elections has prompted the group to seek additional victories at provincial level. Terror Remains Beyond Control of Pakistani State- March 28, 2008 International terrorist plots with the invariable Pakistani hand draw upon a rich resource base for jihad that has taken root in the social system of Pakistan and is beyond the control of the Pakistani state. Tibet: Unrest on the 'Roof of the World'- March 27, 2008 The demonstrations reflect a convergence of longstanding grievances and more-temporal issues ranging from recent tension over Tibetan cultural practices to China's rising demand for raw materials. Jobless Rural Poor in Bangladesh Rush to the Cities- March 16, 2008 With a very small job market and barely any scope for self-employment, rural people are swelling the ranks of the city's economic migrants. And they are not just victims of Cyclone Sidr. Carbon Cuts: Why Rich Countries Must Lead the Way- March 9, 2008 Among climate backsliders, the argument is a familiar one: for developed countries to curb emissions is futile so long as Chinese and Indian emissions continue rising rapidly. Should India Also Develop Satellite-Killing Capability- March 3, 2008 The fear that India will be left lagging in one more global arms race and pay a heavy ex post price looms on the minds of the country's strategic elites. Publisher Deported in Fiji Amid Allegations of State Corruption- March 2, 2008 Enraged by a series of reports in the media, the interim government in Fiji deported Fiji Sun publisher Russell Hunter on Feb. 26, raising serious concerns about press freedom. |